Wellntel’s Analytics Dashboard will never be the same – meet WaterDrop

WaterDrop Contour near Kalamazoo

Wellntel Analytics Dashboard (AD) subscribers are in for a treat this week. On April 20th, 2021, we published powerful new code – we’re calling it WaterDrop – that will change the AD experience.

AD users will notice two major advancements:

1.) Tightly integrated Public Data sources – Starting today, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) NCDC Weather Stations and USGS (United States Geological Survey) NWIS network sensors can be added into your existing networks. With this integration, you can assemble and compare data – from your private networks and public sources – in one place. For example, you can build a chart of average groundwater level alongside rainfall or snowpack, or you can study a wider area than can be seen from your private network.

Wellntel WaterDrop with Integrated AD

2.) Explore water balance or conditions anywhere in the United States. If, for example, your business is looking to expand from one region to another, you can drop a pin anywhere and begin to understand if sufficient public sources (and therefore adequate information for reporting or decision making) are available or not. With this baseline, you can make smarter initial investment decisions, and, if you are a consultant or manager, tailor your project recommendations to clients or constituents.

Importantly, if you have historical data (from a previous or ongoing project) to add to a given location, you can do that too, and, like all other private records in the Wellntel Water Data Cloud, those data will only be available to you.

Wellntel WaterDrop Visitor

With this first release of WaterDrop, you will find these capabilities on Maps, Levels, Build and Contours tabs. We will bring WaterDrop capabilities to additional tabs and tools over the next few weeks and months. Expect update emails like this as additional features are released.

Read more about WaterDrop here.
